We had a great time making and serving a vegan meal of chili and brown rice, sautéed kale and Swiss chard, cornbread, and chocolate cake to ~50 folks at last Sunday's Community Meal. The local soup kitchen program runs Monday thru Saturday and on Sunday a consortium of area churches, civic groups and interested parties prepare and serve a lunch out of Lee Memorial UMC in Norwich. Humble Monkey Wellness® holds a free community yoga class the first Saturday of the month with the donations going to this program and we decided that our yoga community would participate. We also received donations from our HMW community during our regular yoga classes that helped us purchase the food stuffs. Dawn Chabot (at the sink behind me) was the point person and did a terrific job along with another 8 of us to make this a reality. We will be scheduling another weekend later in the year to do this again. We'll keep you posted so stay tuned!